From only 69p per appliance test!
Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) is a process by which electrical appliances in an organisation are checked by qualified technicians, to ensure that they will be safe to use and that the business complies fully with all current legislation. Electest UK (part of the Coles Electrical Group, will supply a complete in-depth service and can perform maintenance or rectification if necessary.
Why does my company need PAT testing?
Under UK law (the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974) or the Health and Safety at Work (N.Ireland) Order1978 in N. Ireland), employers are responsible for ensuring the safety and health of their employees and also the public, if they are at risk from those work activities. Electrical safety is required for all appliances used by staff or the public and is a requirement form all insurers.
Coles Electrical offer Portable Appliance Testing (PAT Test) to Landlords, Agents, Public Offices and Businesses who need to comply with The Health & Safety Act (1974) and we can test with the minimum of disruption to your schedule.
According to the Electrical Safety Councils’ statistics for 2010 the number of people aged 15+ receiving a mains voltage electric shock per year was 2.5 million of whom 350,000 received a serious injury with the possibility for filing a claim of negligence
The UK Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) states at Regulation 4(1): “Every employer shall ensure that work equipment is so constructed or adopted as to be suitable for the purpose for which it is used or provided.”

The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 states at Regulation 4(2): “As may be necessary to prevent danger, all systems shall be maintained so as to prevent so far as reasonably practicable, such danger.”
The provisions of the above laws make it clear that employers (and the self-employed) must ensure that all electrical work equipment is safe, suitable for the purpose and properly maintained in good order. Our highly qualified technicians will examine every plug to ensure that the wiring is correct and the fuses match the expected electrical load. Our technicians work as unobtrusively as possible and in the event of non-compliance as we provide one-stop shop solutions, we can rectify any appliance or supply feed. Our testing complies completely with Electricity at Work regulations and the latest version of the IEE Code of Practice yet our prices are always highly competitive and we work to your schedule…not our schedule.
We can produce a complete package to suit each unique commission so that the projects, from the first design stage right through to the commissioning, will always meet your schedule and expectations.
Coles Electrical believes in working closely with all our clients at all stages of a contract and after the installation has been completed you will have the confidence that all installations will comprehensively comply with UK Wiring Regulations and fully satisfy your insurers.